Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple sweet potatoes are a unique and nutritious root vegetable that have been gaining popularity in various cuisines around the world. Known for their vibrant color and slightly sweet flavor, these potatoes are not only a feast for the eyes but also packed with health benefits.

Purple sweet potatoes come in different varieties, such as Okinawan and Stokes. Each variety offers a unique taste and texture, making them versatile for different cooking methods. Whether you are baking, boiling, or frying, purple sweet potatoes are sure to add a delicious twist to your meals. For more information on the health benefits of purple sweet potatoes, check out Healthline.

Types of Purple Sweet Potatoes

Understanding the different types of purple sweet potatoes can help you choose the right one for your recipe. Here are some common varieties:

  • Okinawan: These have a pale skin with a deep purple flesh. They are mildly sweet with a dense texture.
  • Stokes: Known for their vibrant purple skin and flesh, they have a slightly drier texture and a rich, sweet flavor.

For a detailed overview of sweet potato varieties, visit Specialty Produce.

Cooking with Purple Sweet Potatoes

Preparation and Cooking Methods

To get the best out of your purple sweet potatoes, it’s important to know how to prepare and cook them properly:

  • Selecting and Storing: Choose firm, smooth potatoes without blemishes. Store in a cool, dark place.
  • Cleaning and Peeling: Wash thoroughly and peel if desired. The skin is edible but can be tough.
  • Cooking Methods:
    • Baking: Enhances their natural sweetness.
    • Boiling: Preserves most of the nutrients.
    • Steaming: Keeps them moist and tender.
    • Frying: Creates a crispy exterior.
    • Roasting: Intensifies the flavor and caramelizes the sugars.
To retain their vibrant color, add a bit of lemon juice during cooking.

Basic Purple Sweet Potato Recipe


  • 4 large purple sweet potatoes
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Juice of half a lemon


  1. Prepare the Sweet Potatoes: Peel, core, and slice the sweet potatoes into thin wedges. Drizzle with lemon juice to prevent browning.
  2. Heat the Skillet: Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat until foamy.
  3. Cook the Sweet Potatoes: Add sweet potato slices and sauté for about 5 minutes until they start to soften.
  4. Add Sweetness: Sprinkle brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt over the sweet potatoes. Stir well to coat evenly.
  5. Simmer and Caramelize: Cook for another 5-7 minutes until sweet potatoes are tender and sugar has caramelized. Stir in vanilla extract towards the end.
  6. Serve: Enjoy warm as a side dish or dessert topping.

Purple Sweet Potato Recipe Ideas

Sweet Recipes

Purple Sweet Potato Pie

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 cups mashed purple sweet potatoes
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1/2 cup milk
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Instructions:
    1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
    2. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
    3. Pour into a pie crust.
    4. Bake for 45 minutes or until set.

Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup cooked, mashed purple sweet potatoes
    • 1 banana
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Instructions:
    1. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
    2. Serve chilled.

Sweet Potato Dessert Bars

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup mashed purple sweet potatoes
    • 1/2 cup oats
    • 1/2 cup flour
    • 1/4 cup honey
    • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • Instructions:
    1. Mix all ingredients.
    2. Press into a baking dish.
    3. Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes.

Savory Recipes

1.Purple Sweet Potato Fries

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 large purple sweet potatoes
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • Salt to taste
  • Instructions:
    1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
    2. Cut sweet potatoes into fries.
    3. Toss with olive oil and salt.
    4. Bake for 20-25 minutes until crispy.

2. Soup

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 cups diced purple sweet potatoes
    • 1 onion, chopped
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 4 cups vegetable broth
    • 1 cup coconut milk
  • Instructions:
    1. Sauté onion and garlic.
    2. Add sweet potatoes and broth. Simmer until tender.
    3. Blend until smooth. Stir in coconut milk.

3.Sweet Potato Salad

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 cups roasted purple sweet potatoes
    • 1 cup mixed greens
    • 1/2 cup feta cheese
    • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • Instructions:
    1. Toss all ingredients together.
    2. Drizzle with your favorite dressing.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Information

Nutritional Profile

Purple sweet potatoes are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. A 100-gram serving provides:

  • Calories: 86
  • Carbohydrates: 20 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1.6 grams
  • Vitamin A: 107% of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin C: 22% of the Daily Value

Do Purple Sweet Potatoes Cook Differently?

Purple sweet potatoes, known for their vibrant color and distinct flavor, do cook somewhat differently compared to other varieties like the common orange sweet potatoes. Here are some key points to consider:

Texture and Moisture Content

Purple sweet potatoes tend to be drier and denser than orange sweet potatoes. This difference in texture means that they can take longer to cook and may require more moisture during the cooking process to achieve a tender consistency. For example, when baking or roasting, you might need to add a bit more oil or water to prevent them from drying out.

Cooking Times

Due to their density, purple sweet potatoes generally take longer to cook. For baking, it can take up to 90 minutes at 375°F (190°C), compared to the typical 60 minutes for orange sweet potatoes. Boiling and steaming also take longer, often requiring an additional 10-15 minutes.

Retaining Color

To preserve their vibrant purple color, it’s best to cook purple sweet potatoes using methods that minimize their exposure to water, as water can leach out the color. Steaming or baking are preferable methods. Adding a bit of acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar, can also help maintain their color during cooking.

Flavor Profile

While cooking methods for purple sweet potatoes are generally similar to those for other sweet potatoes, their unique flavor—slightly nuttier and less sweet—might influence how you prepare them. They pair well with savory ingredients and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Recipe Adaptations

Given their drier texture, recipes may need to be adapted slightly. For example, when making mashed purple sweet potatoes, you might need to add extra liquid (such as milk or cream) to achieve the desired creamy texture. Similarly, when making baked goods like pies or cakes, additional moisture in the form of eggs, milk, or oil may be necessary.

In summary, while purple sweet potatoes can be used interchangeably with other varieties in many recipes, some adjustments in cooking time, moisture, and preparation techniques are often required to achieve the best results.

What Are Purple Sweet Potatoes Good For?

Purple sweet potatoes are not only visually striking but also packed with nutrients and health benefits. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes them a valuable addition to your diet:

Nutritional Benefits

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Purple sweet potatoes are loaded with anthocyanins, the compounds responsible for their vibrant color. Anthocyanins have potent antioxidant properties that help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  • High in Fiber: Like other sweet potatoes, the purple variety is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, helps maintain blood sugar levels, and supports overall gut health.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: They are rich in vitamins A and C, essential for immune function, skin health, and vision. They also provide significant amounts of potassium and manganese, which are important for heart health, muscle function, and bone strength.

Culinary Uses

  • Versatile Ingredient: Purple sweet potatoes can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. They can be baked, boiled, steamed, roasted, or even grilled. Their unique color and mildly sweet, nutty flavor make them a versatile ingredient in many recipes.
  • Baking and Desserts: Their natural sweetness and vibrant color make them a popular choice for baking. They can be used in pies, cakes, muffins, and even ice cream. The striking color can enhance the visual appeal of these desserts.
  • Savory Dishes: They are excellent in savory dishes such as soups, stews, and salads. Their firm texture holds up well in these preparations, and their flavor pairs well with herbs and spices.
  • Health-Conscious Recipes: Purple sweet potatoes are often used in health-conscious recipes due to their nutritional profile. They are a great addition to vegan, gluten-free, and paleo diets.


Dietary Considerations

  • Low Glycemic Index: Purple sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index compared to regular potatoes, making them a better choice for individuals managing blood sugar levels.
  • Allergy-Friendly: They are naturally gluten-free and suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

In conclusion, purple sweet potatoes are not only a nutritious powerhouse but also a versatile and flavorful ingredient that can enhance both the nutritional value and aesthetic appeal of your meals.

How Do the Japanese Eat Purple Sweet Potatoes?

Purple sweet potatoes, known as “murasaki imo” in Japan, are a beloved staple in Japanese cuisine. They are appreciated not only for their vibrant color and nutritional benefits but also for their versatility in both traditional and modern dishes. Here are some of the ways the Japanese enjoy purple sweet potatoes:

Traditional Methods

  • Roasted (Yaki Imo): One of the most popular ways to enjoy purple sweet potatoes in Japan is by roasting them whole. “Yaki imo” are often sold by street vendors during the autumn and winter months. The sweet potatoes are roasted until the flesh is tender and caramelized, creating a naturally sweet and smoky flavor. They are typically enjoyed as a simple, warming snack.
  • Steamed and Boiled: Steaming or boiling is another common preparation method. Steamed purple sweet potatoes are often eaten as a side dish, added to bento boxes, or used as an ingredient in various recipes. Boiling them enhances their natural sweetness and makes them easy to mash or blend into other dishes.

Modern Culinary Uses

  • Desserts: Purple sweet potatoes are a popular ingredient in Japanese desserts. They are used to make “daigaku imo,” which are candied sweet potatoes coated in a sweet, sticky syrup and sesame seeds. Another popular dessert is “imo yokan,” a sweet potato jelly made by blending the steamed potatoes with sugar and agar. Purple sweet potatoes are also used in various cakes, pastries, and even ice cream.
  • Tempura: Sliced purple sweet potatoes are often coated in tempura batter and deep-fried to create a crispy, savory treat. Tempura sweet potatoes are a common item in tempura assortments served at restaurants or home-cooked meals.
  • Baked Goods: Purple sweet potatoes are incorporated into bread and pastries. For example, “imo pan” is a sweet bread filled with purple sweet potato paste, offering a delightful contrast of textures and flavors.
  • Smoothies and Drinks: Blended into smoothies or lattes, purple sweet potatoes add a creamy texture and natural sweetness. They are often combined with other ingredients like banana, milk, or almond milk to create a nutritious and colorful beverage.

Cultural and Seasonal Significance

In Japan, purple sweet potatoes are often associated with autumn, a season when they are harvested and enjoyed at their peak flavor. They are celebrated in seasonal festivals and are a popular ingredient in autumnal dishes and snacks. The sweet potatoes are also used during the Japanese New Year celebrations, often included in “osechi ryori,” the traditional New Year feast.

Health Benefits and Popularity

Purple sweet potatoes are favored not only for their taste but also for their health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and essential vitamins, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. Their popularity has led to innovative culinary uses, with chefs and home cooks continually finding new ways to incorporate them into both traditional and contemporary recipes.

In summary, the Japanese enjoy purple sweet potatoes in a variety of ways, from traditional roasted and steamed preparations to modern desserts, baked goods, and even drinks. Their versatility, nutritional benefits, and vibrant color make them a cherished ingredient in Japanese cuisine.

Do Purple Sweet Potatoes Taste Different Than Orange Sweet Potatoes?

Purple sweet potatoes and orange sweet potatoes, while similar in many ways, do have distinct differences in taste, texture, and culinary applications. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you understand these differences:

Flavor Profile

  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: These potatoes have a slightly nutty and earthy flavor with a less pronounced sweetness compared to their orange counterparts. The taste can be described as subtle and mildly sweet, which pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: Orange sweet potatoes, such as the popular Beauregard variety, have a pronounced sweet flavor with a creamy texture. Their sweetness intensifies during cooking, making them a favorite for desserts and sweet side dishes.


  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: They tend to be denser and drier than orange sweet potatoes. This firmer texture holds up well in dishes that require the sweet potatoes to maintain their shape, such as in salads or casseroles.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: These are typically more moist and creamy. Their softer texture makes them ideal for mashing, pureeing, and incorporating into smooth, creamy dishes like pies and soups.

Nutritional Differences

Both purple and orange sweet potatoes are nutritious, but they offer different benefits:

  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: They are particularly high in anthocyanins, the antioxidants that give them their vibrant color. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Purple sweet potatoes also provide a good amount of fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: These are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is crucial for eye health, immune function, and skin health. Like purple sweet potatoes, they also contain vitamins C, potassium, andboth types are good sources of fiber and vitamins. However, the nutritional emphasis differs, with purple sweet potatoes being antioxidant powerhouses and orange sweet potatoes excelling in beta-carotene content.

Culinary Uses

  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: Their firmer texture makes them ideal for roasting, baking, and making chips or fries. They are also excellent in salads and casseroles where you want the pieces to hold their shape.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: Their creamy texture makes them perfect for mashing, pureeing, and using in pies and soups. They blend smoothly into batters and doughs for baked goods, making them a versatile ingredient for desserts.

Visual Appeal

One of the most striking differences is their visual appeal. Purple sweet potatoes add a vibrant, eye-catching color to dishes, making them popular in both gourmet and home cooking for their aesthetic value. Orange sweet potatoes, with their warm hue, also add a bright, inviting color to dishes, particularly in traditional American cuisine.

Flavor Pairings

  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: They pair well with both savory and sweet ingredients. Their mild flavor complements herbs like rosemary and thyme, spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and they go well with other vegetables and proteins.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: Their natural sweetness pairs beautifully with warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. They also complement sweet ingredients like maple syrup, brown sugar, and marshmallows, which is why they are a staple in many holiday dishes.

Cultural Uses

  • Purple Sweet Potatoes: Widely used in Asian and Hawaiian cuisines, where they are featured in both sweet and savory dishes. They are often used in desserts, such as the Filipino ube halaya, and are popular in Japanese and Hawaiian recipes.
  • Orange Sweet Potatoes: A staple in American cuisine, especially in holiday dishes like sweet potato casserole and pies. They are also used in a variety of savory dishes, from soups to roasted vegetable medleys.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you eat the skin of purple sweet potatoes?

Yes, the skin is edible and contains additional nutrients and fiber. However, it can be tough, so it’s often peeled.

How do you keep purple sweet potatoes from turning gray?

Adding a bit of lemon juice or vinegar during cooking helps maintain their vibrant color.

Are purple sweet potatoes healthier than regular sweet potatoes?

Both are nutritious, but purple sweet potatoes have higher antioxidant levels, particularly anthocyanins.

Can you substitute purple sweet potatoes in any recipe?

Yes, they can be used in place of regular sweet potatoes in most recipes.

How do you store cooked purple sweet potatoes?

Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Are purple sweet potatoes available year-round?

They are typically available year-round but may be more abundant in the fall.


Cooking with purple sweet potatoes offers a unique and nutritious twist to your meals. Their vibrant color, sweet flavor, and numerous health benefits make them a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes. Whether you’re baking a pie, making fries, or blending a smoothie, these recipes are sure to delight your taste buds and add a splash of color to your plate. Enjoy experimenting with these recipes and discover the delicious potential of purple sweet potatoes!

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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

  • Author: Haifajackson
  • Total Time: 40 minutes


Enjoy a delicious and nutritious Purple Sweet Potato dish with this easy recipe. Perfect for a healthy meal or snack!


  • 2 purple sweet potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped


  • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
  • Wash and peel the sweet potatoes, then cut them into 1-inch cubes.
  • In a bowl, toss the sweet potato cubes with olive oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary.
  • Spread the cubes on a baking sheet in a single layer.
  • Roast for 25-30 minutes, until tender and slightly crispy.


  • For extra flavor, add a sprinkle of garlic powder or paprika.
  • Serve as a side dish or enjoy as a snack.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes


  • Calories: 120
  • Fat: 4g
  • Carbohydrates: 24g
  • Protein: 2g